Content Marketers need to be great collaborators. They need to know how to build relationships with different teams within the business, to pull out all that expertise, create the best content possible and ensure it's the 'fuel' that drives the business forward.
Today's episode is a new format (I know it's only the second episode EVER of the podcast, but we're nimble OK?!). Since there was so much gold in last week's episode with Sharon Hyman from Forsta, I had the idea (OK, actually my wife had the idea) that I should do a follow-up episode to every interview the week after. The idea is to dive into one of the topics we discussed during the interview, going into a bit more practical detail and really spelling it out.
I'll be calling these 'follow-up' solo episodes About Last Week or ALW. It's (supposed to be) short and punchy. I mentioned it would be 10 minutes, but this one was quite a bit longer than that!
And that's how we'll run the podcast from now on - one week it'll be an interview with an expert content marketer on their way to work, and the next it'll be me, Joe, flying solo on my commute to work diving deeper on one specific topic from the week before.
Today I run through 6 teams & departments within the business that content teams should be working with every day. From Events, to Graphic Design, to Sales and Customer Success, I hope you'll find some nuggets that can help you do content better this week!
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#2: 6 Teams & Departments Content Marketing Should Work with Every Day (About Last Week - ALW)